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Our Mission

Weather Modification
and Aerial Deployment
ARC, mission is to explore eco-friendly, non-toxic and environmentally safe ways in modifying the weather to save Lives, the environment and property.

To that end, ARC promotes continuing strategic research with new methods and advanced technologies that are required to investigate and test the scientific hypotheses on which weather modification is based. Because this research is inherently focused on important atmospheric processes, it is relevant not only to weather modification but also to the improvement of weather and climate prediction that supports a wide range of applications such as water management and climate change adaptation. With a sound scientific understanding of the relevant atmospheric processes, weather modification experiments can designed and implemented to demonstrate the feasibility of the activity and the validity of the underpinning scientific hypothesis. With each activity and having completed a successful experiment, it is appropriate to undertake operational weather modification, in which the focus is on practical outcomes while maintaining practices that allow continuing scientific evaluation of the results of the operations.